a cup of my story

by : Ricke Yuliarti

"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are."
-Theodore Roosevelt-


July is mine!

Happy july! Telat banget deh ya baru sempet posting malem gini. Iya nih abis seharian tadi gue jalan sama temen-temen sih, cape bangeeet dari pagi ampe maghrib jalan-jalan ngga jelas but it's so fun! :D
Juli, bulan juli yang bener-bener dinanti banyak orang, karna tau sendiri lah bulan ini identik dengan bulan liburan, tapi ngga dengan gue, bulan ini gue berhadepan dengan U.A.S, huff uas yg tiba-tiba diundur dan seharusnya uda selesai dan gue udah duduk manis di rumah sambil nunggu hasilnya tapi hari senin besok baru mulai ujiannya ckckckck never mind dinikmatin aja deh.
This is july! and this is my month! Brothaa sistaaa, i think you should to mark 10th july, why? because this is my birthday, yeeeaay i'll certainly wait a gift of you hihi maksa banget yah :p hmmm, si ndut bakal kasih aku apa yaaa? ih ko jd ngarep banget gini sih ke hahaha.. and for 8th july me and my boo have 4th anniversary, ngga kerasa banget kita udah ngejalanin selama ini :D

and here is this some my july whises :

► semoga semester 4 ini IP gue 4 :p

► semoga gue bisa belajar ngirit dan belajar cari duit hehe

► i hope my dear give me a big hello kitty on my birthday :D
really want it!

♥  i wish me and my dear will everlasting

what about your wishes? i hope all the best for us amin, god always blessing us :D


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